10:00 AM
- Setup a Solid Web Dev on your Laptop in room: 704
by Dave Konopka
- Building & Running www.comcast.net - 40million pageviews/day, CDN, Vendors, Java, AJAX, Python, Ruby, etc. in room: 706
by Aaron
- Engaging Detractors - Conversation Agent in room: 831
by Valeria Maltoni
- Connection Not Collection - Community Organizing Using Social Media in room: 833
by @harveymilk - Chris Bartlett
- Marketing to a Technical Audience - Your most important marketing tool in room: 1221
- Lions Tigers Higher Ed - Web 2.0 in the higher ed community in room: 1215
by Maumi
- Understanding Differences in Your Consumer/Audience in room: 1219
by Angel Gibson
- Phila Computer Community - PANMA and PACS in room: 1321
by Reed Guston - Delta Angel Design
- Mentoring 101 - Team Leadership in room: 1329
11:00 AM
- Usability Discusion in room: 704
- Perfect Pitch - Finding and TellingYour Story in room: 706
by Megan Wendell - Canary Promo + Design
- Coding for the Mobile Web in room: 831
by Reed Guston - Delta Angel Design
- ROI for Social Media - Community Conversation Agent in room: 833
by Valeria Maltoni
- Self Help/Social Change - How can a site help your life? in room: 1221
by Gary Krane PhD. - Our Couple Space
- Consumer - Centric Health - How we get there - Data portability & All that stuff in room: 1215
by [HealthCamp] @ekivemark
- OnLine Organizing - tools, methods, secrets, software in room: 1219
by Charles Lenchner
- Jedi Mind Tricks - mediating user, brand, technology & business goals through conversation in room: 1361
by Livia Labate @elivlab / Marion esponita
- Social Networks for Offline Communities in room: 1355
by Dave Konopka, Karen Leary, Becky Sweger
12:00 PM
- Microsoft - Help us suck less in room: 704
- Story? What Story? Once upon a time… How to structure your story in room: 706
by Mike Davis - Empressr.com @globalcitizen
- Using Open Source Licenses in room: 831
by Owen Winkler - @ringmaster
- Business Advice (incl. legal) for Startups + Small Business in room: 833
by Whitney Hoffman
- Web Standards - how to convince the boss - how to roll them out - how to keep it going in room: 1221
by Kimberly Blessing
- Group Blogging is Like Group Sex - messy, fun & complicated in room: 1215
by Scott McNulty & Mavisn McClellan
- The Internet Sux - unfollowing, cancelling, unfriending, unplugging - a roundtable discussion in room: 1321
- Build a Drupal Site in 20 min. in room: 1329
by Mason Wendell - Canary Promo + Design
- Beyond Web 2.0 What’s Next - Convergence; Internet of things, etc. in room: 1355
02:00 PM
- CroudSourcing for Measurable Change (How do we turn ideas into action? direct democracy, get legislators to play along in room: 704
by @naterkane
- CC Creative Commons & Art - open discussion in room: 706
by @eagleapex
- Enterprise Mashup Tools - Jackbe’s Presto XML, XPath, Etc. in room: 831
by @ekivemark
- ROI for Social Media (Bus./Mktg.) in room: 833
by Beth Harte
- Building Your Community, Sponsors, and Your Brand as a Full Time Job Online in room: 1221
by Walt Ribeiro
- Testing, Testing - You will always benefit from Usability Testing but when is it Mission Critical in room: 1215
by Jen Yuan
- What is Agile Software Development and how do I make it work?! in room: 1219
by David Bulkin - Center for Program Transformation
- Your the President of ideablob.com - What do you do? in room: 1321
- Making the Unusual Career Transitions in room: 1329
by AlexKnowsHTML
- Innovation in Corporations in room: 1361
by Arpit (ideal) - Aaron H. (reality) both w/ Comcast
- Making Your Own Business Cards and craft it up / Nanowrimo - find out how to write a novel in 1 month! We will be writing in room: 1355
by Rachel Sooy @interjection / Purplecar + Melitami
03:00 PM
- Using Flash in an AJAX World - and flex in room: 704
by arpit
- Unix Command Line Productivity Tips in room: 706
by Keith Bennett
- CRM Technology - Compare, contrast, integrate, implement in room: 831
- Using Social Networks for Social Change: facebook, myspace & more (especially for nonprofits) in room: 833
by Ivan Boothe - Rootwork.org
- Brand Management (seo, sm, etc) in room: 1221
by Beth Harte
- Learn to Make Cheesy iPhone Apps 101 in room: 1215
by Andy Mroczkowski
- Red Stapler Round Table - An interactive discussion on being more productive and running your business more efficiently in room: 1219
by Gloria Bell
- Health 10.0 - The Promisses & Dangers of Virtual Omnipresence in room: 1321
- Mentoring 101 - Team Leadership in room: 1329 by Mark Magliocco @markmag
- Rethinking the .edu in room: 1355
by Geoff DiMasi - P’unk Ave.
04:00 PM
- Where are we going? Where have we been? The evolution of technology in room: 704
by Mario Leone - @hexxd1
- Beginning Ruby in room: 706
by Keith Bennett
- The Absolutely True Story of How I Tried to Reinvent the Online Interview & FAILED! in room: 831
by David Dylan Thomas
- Your Idea & Why it Hasn’t Happened Yet - a conversation in room: 833
by Kevin Kitzpatrick
- Intro to JQuery in room: 1221
- Building Better Web Developers - What should colleges be teaching? - Round Table in room: 1215
by Jason Wertz
- Crisis to Conversation - JetBlue social media in room: 1219
by Matthew Knell
- Video on the Web + PHLEdit in room: 1321
by @laureng
- Political Campaigns and New Media in room: 1329
by @mmayernick
05:00 PM
- What can you present at your next BarCamp? - brainstorm about topics & tools that need attention in room: 831
- Quit Your Job! - Pick my brain about going independent in room: 833
by Whitney Hess
- Self Help/Social Change - How can a site help your life? in room: 1221
by Gary Krane PhD. - Our Couple Space
- The Philly Tech Scene - You tell philadelphians what’s going on in the city, blogs, hangouts, etc in room: 1215
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