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Recaps for BarCamp Philly November 2008
BarCamp Philly 2008 Recap - Phillyist / @dior74
Bar Camp Philly after party videos - Melissa Thiessen / @melitami
The Rockband Party at BarCampPhilly! - Walt Ribeiro / @waltribeiro
BarCampPhilly 2008: What a blast ! - Arpit Mathur / @arpit
This Is A Post 4 Living In A Fulltime Era - Maria T Sciarrino / @theoreticalgirl
CIM @ BarCampPhilly 2008 - CIM
Barcamp Philly 2008 - Erin Murphy
BarCampPhilly was a success!! - Aaron Held / @iamaaronheld
Build a Better BarCamp - What Was BarCamp Philly - Owen Winkler / @ringmaster
Barcamp philly - the labs @ laan
Barcamp Philly 2008 - Rachel Sooy / @interjection
BarCamp Philly Revisited - David Dylan Thomas
BarCamp Philly: The City of New Media Love, Part Two - E-Gear
I Popped My Cherry at BarCamp Philly - Whitney Hess / @whitneyhess
The Awesomeness that was BarCamp Philly - Part 2 - Whitney Hess / @whitneyhess
On BarCamp Philly - Tony Cosentini / @tonyc
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